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Kamionnal a jégen át

Nézettség MA: | HÓNAPBAN:

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Pontszám: 6.2


A sorozat segítségével bepillantást nyerhetünk a világ egyik legveszélyesebb foglalkozását űző emberek mindennapjaiba. A messzi északon, Kanadában, óriás kamionok és vakmerő sofőrjeik róják a kilométereket, dacolva a végtelen hómezőkkel, a jeges utakkal. Ezek a bátor, mindenre elszánt emberek hihetetlen kalandokba keverednek, hogy akár életük kockáztatásával is, de eljuttassák szállítmányukat a megadott helyre.


Adam Martin Self - Supervising Producer: Ice Road Truckers
Al Donovan Self - Ice Road Trucker
Albert Bourque Self - Environmental Safety Officer
Albert Van De Kraats Self - Terminal Manager, Manitoulin
Alex Debogorski Self - Ice Road Trucker
Andre Bourgeois Self - Welder
Andrew Applejohn Self - Director: Aurora Research Institute
Angel Montalvo Self - Alaska DOT lead Eq. Operator
Art Burke Self - Ice Road Trucker: Polar Industries
Austin Wheeler Self - Ice Road Trucker
Összes szereplő mutatása
Bart Neal Self - Ice Road Trucker
Bear Swensen Self - Trucker
Ben Krakowski Self - Recovery Specialist
Bill Vanderburgh Self - Well Site Supervisor: Aurora College
Blair Weatherby Self - Weatherby Trucking
Brad Sipperley Self - N.O.A.A.
Brandon Bender Self - Pilot Car Driver
Brandon Brown Self - Carlile Transportation
Brandon Cormier Self - Road Construction: Tli Cho Landtran
Brento Labonte Self - Driver, Manitoulin
Brett Barnowich Self - Manager Winter Road Program
Brett Herbert Self - Trucker: Mullen Trucking
Brett Lockhart Self
Brett Wildman Self - Ice Road Foreman: Nuna Logistics
Brian Collins Self - Radio Host: CBC
Bruce Carl Self - Ice Road Trucker
Bucky Murray Self - Mechanic: Tli Cho Landtran
Byron Higgins Self - Project Manager: De Beers, Snap Lake
Cameron Graham Self
Carey Hall Self - Ice Road Trucker
Carl Reynolds Self - Ice Road Trucker
Carlos Rojas Self - Officer Alaska DOT
Carth Kellman Self - Accident Survivor
Chris Reid Self - Mechanic: Tli Cho Landtran
Christina Dennis Self - Pilot Car Driver
Cody Meszaros Self - Ice Road Trucker
Crystal Boadwine Self
Dan Schok Self - Project Engineer: Flowline
Dane Puddifant Self
Danny Barbosa Self - Nuna Logistics
Danny Reese Self - Ice Road Trucker
Darlene Dalgleish Self - Lockhart Radio Operator
Darrell Ward Self - Ice Road Trucker
Dave Gallant Self - Project Manager: Veri-Illuq
Davey Lennie Self
David Horbas Self - General Manager First Nations Transport
David Redmon Self - Ice Road Trucker
Denny Plaza Self - Technician
Derek Berry Self - Mechanic Polar Industries
Derek Vivier Self - Driver: VP Express
Devon Neff Self - Trucker: Mullen Trucking
Dick Heenan Self - Drilling Manager: MGM Energy
Don Bietz Self - Exec. VP & COO: ECL Transportation
Don Simpson Self - Ice Road Trucker
Don Willick Self - Trucker: Mullen Trucking
Donald Adkins Self - DOT Equipment Operator
Donald Bland Self - Cameraman: Ice Road Truckers
Doug Feistner Self - Alaskan Trucker
Doug McCallum Self - Instructor: Arctic Response
Drew Sherwood Self - Ice Road Trucker
Drew Watson Self
Ed Philpott Self - Secure Check
Eric Dufresne Self - Ice Road Trucker
Erik Refrine Self
Fredrick Baylor Self
Gabby Amero Self - Pilot Truck Driver
Gareth Philips Self - Ice Profiler
Gary McConnell Self - Carlile Shop Forman
Gavin Brennan Self - Director of Photography: Ice Road Truckers
George Irons Self - Ice Road Trucker
George Spears Self - Ice Road Trucker
Geraldine Horbas Self - Office Manager First Nations Trans.
Gerry White Self - Secure Check
Greg Boadwine Self - Ice Road Trucker
Greg Thompson Self - Heavy Haul Manager: Carlile
Greg Vance Self - Ice Road Trucker
Harry McDonald Self - Carlile
Heather Greenlay Self
Howard Mowery Self - Avalanche Survivor
Hugh Rowland Self - Ice Road Trucker
Isaac Lennie Self - Northwinds Crew
Isabelle Bellavance Self - Profiler: Northwind
Jack Jesse Self - Ice Road Trucker
Jack McCahan Self - Ice Road Trucker
James Pickering Self - Highway Patrol
Jarid Lane Self - Mechanic: Carlile Transportation
Jarvis Walton Self - Ice Road Trucker
Jay Westgard Self - Ice Road Trucker
Jeremey Towsen Self - Hitchhiker
Jeremy Welton Self - Ice Road Trucker
Jerid Lane Self - Carlile mechanic
Jerry Dusdal Self - Truck Push
Jerry Umbach Self
Jim Bob Schneider Self - Ice Road Trucker
Jim Macky Self - Secure Check
Jody Reed Self - Trucker: Mullen Trucking
Joe Klepatz Self - Mechanic: Polar Industries
Joey Barnes Self
John B. Denison Self - Ice Road Pioneer
John Blake Self - Trucker
John Grimes Self - Pilot Car Driver
John Heaton Self - University of Alaska at Fairbanks
John McCoy Self - Driving Instructor: Carlile Transportation
John Norberg Self - Plow Driver
John Williams Self - Drilling Supervisor: MGM Energy
John Zigarlick Self - Founder: Nuna Logistics
Johnathan Weibe Self
Jordan Fedosoff Self - Matco Transportation Systems
Joseph Daley Self - Priest
Josh Blinston Self - Rig Manager: MGM Energy
Karen McDougall Self - Ice Road Trucker
Kelly Brown Self - Trucker
Kelly Reimer Self - Trucker
Ken Bear Self - Alaska DOT
Ken Murray Self - Secure Check Officer
Ken Pitch Self - Mechanic
Kevin McChesney Self - Dispatch: Tli Cho Landtran
Kevin McGinnis Self - Trucker: Mullen Trucking
Kevin Rinas Self - Mechanic
Kimberley Wilkie Self
Kurt Wainman Self - Owner: Northwind Industries
Kyla Durham Self - Musher
Kyle Arsenault Self - Waste Water Technician
Lane Keator Self - Carlile Terminal Manager
Laurie Allen Ellis Self - Agent, Manitoulin
Leah Thiele Self - Ice Road Trucker
Lee Parkinson Self - Mechanic
Lisa Kelly Self - Ice Road Trucker
Lucas Amidon Self - North Slope Borough Police
Marcel Bisson Self - Operations Supervisor: Mullen Trucking
Mark Bertelson Self - Carlile Dispatcher
Mark Chang Self - Mechanic Apprentice
Mark Klepatz Self - Carlile Mechanic
Mark Kohaykewych Self - Owner: Polar Industries
Matt Butler Self - Driver Supervisor
Matt Plattner Self - Alaska DOT
Max Fairchild Self - Ice Road Trucker
Maya Sieber Self - Ice Road Trucker
Merv Gilbertson Self - Ice Road Trucker
Michael Dukes Self - KFAR radio personality
Mike Bordan Self - Secure Check Officer
Mike Gagne Self - Manitoulin Terminal Manager, Inuvik
Mike Kimball Self - Ice Road Trucker
Mike Richmond Self - Meteorologist
Mike Serediak Self - Tanker Driver
Mike Shuman Self - Mobile Maintenance Supervisor: Diavik
Mike Simmons Self - Ice Road Trucker
Neil Locke Self - Heavy Haul Driver
Neil McDougall Self - Safety & Compliance Supv.: Tli Cho Landtran
Neilson Sisson Self - Plow Driver
Nelson Dicks Self - Tow Truck Driver
Nelton Barbosa Self - Dispatch: Nuna
Nicole Froese Self - Doctor
Norm Raines Self - Manager: Hunter Bay
Patrick Finlay Self - Geophysicist: Nuna Logistics
Paul Carex Self - Road Construction: Tli Cho Landtran
Paul Fatijewski Self - Secure Check
Paul Gamble Self - Secure Check Officer
Phil Krom Self - Ice Road Trucker
Randy Payne Self - Carlile Dispatch Administrator
Ray Veilluex Self - Ice Road Trucker
Reid Bahnson Self - DOT Avalanche Tech
Reno Ward Self - Ice Road Trucker
Rich Thorne Self - Vice-Mayor: Bettles, Alaska
Richard Merrill Self - Ice Road Trucker
Rick Fitch Self - Projects Manager: Tli Cho Landtran
Rick Yemm Self - Ice Road Trucker
Rob Adams Self - Co-Owner: C Force
Rob Carss Self - Health & Safety Manager: MGM Energy
Roberta Klema Self - Driving Instructor: Carlile Transportation
Ron Dubs Self - Heavy Haul Driver
Ron Krinke Self - Construction Mgr: Wurmlinger Barge
Ron Mangum Self - Ice Road Trucker
Ryan Groth Self - Carlile Driver
Ryan Hodgson Self - Construction Manager: De Beers, Snap Lake
Ryan Melnyk Self - Dispatcher: Polar Industries
Scott Dallimore Self - Scientist: Natural Resources Canada
Scott Martin Self - Barge Master
Sean Parnell Self - Governor of Alaska
Sean Shrott Self
Shaun Tone Self - Nuna Logistics
Shawn Talbot Self - Regional Operatiions Mgr.: Tli Cho Landtran
Sheldon Otto Self - Dispatch Manager: Nuna Logistics
Sherry Lenz Self
Simeon Bedingfield Self - Carlile Dispatcher
Stephanie Custance Self - Ice Road Trucker
Stephen Lee Self - Police Officer: North Slope Bureau
Steve Hebb Self - Arctic Divers Ltd.
Steve Moore Self - Ice Road Trucker
Tammi Alexander Self - Carlile Dispatcher
Terrence Cole Self - Historian: University of Alaska
Terry Dunn Self - Avalanche Survivor
Terry Huskett Self - Coldfoot Historian
Terry Shields Self - Drilling Contractor
Thom Beers Narrator
Tim Freeman Sr. Self - Trucker
Tim Richards Self - Carlile Dispatcher
Tim Rickards Self - Carlile Dispatcher
Tim Smyrski Self - Manager Winter Road Program
Tim W. Brewer Self
Timothy Freeman Self - Ice Road Trucker
T.J. Tilcox Self - Ice Road Trucker
Todd Dewey Self - Ice Road Trucker: Polar Industries
Todd Mcleod Self - Medic
Todd White Self - Ice Road Trucker
Tom Tweed Self - Dispatch: Tli Cho Landtran
Tony Molesky Self - Ice Road Trucker
Tyson Arnold Self - Nuna Dispatch
Vallen Norsby Self - Mechanic: Carlile Transportation
Vivian Holsclaw Self - Pilot Car Driver
Vlad Pleskot Self - Co-Owner: VP Express
Walt Humphries Self - Historian
Wayne Gzowski Self - Operations Manager: Arctic Divers Ltd.
Wayne Reimer Self - Trucker
Wilson Adams Self - Construction Manager: De Beers


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Tűzgyűrű: Senki földje
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A narkó világa: Drogsztorik