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The Curse of Oak Island online

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Oak Island átka

Nézettség MA: | HÓNAPBAN:

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Pontszám: 7.0


Nova Scotia partjainál fekszik egy rejtélyekkel teli, kis sziget. Az 1700-as években az emberek különös fényeket láttak itt, és eltűnt az a személy, akit ezek felderítésére ideküldtek. Végül egy csapat gyerek, akik áthajóztak a szigetre, furcsa bemetszéseket találtak a földön. A mai napig tart a felfedezés nyomán indult kutatás, amelyben mindenki részt vett; Franklin D Roosevelttől John Wayne-ig. Mi rejlik Oak Island mélyén? Kalózkincsek vagy viking seregek? Egy ókori Fort Knox vagy egy elveszett bibliai relikvia? Mondjuk a frigyláda? Senki sem tudja, és aki megpróbálta kideríteni, az kellemetlen meglepetésekkel szembesült - csapdákkal. Valaki nagyon gondosan rejtett el a szigeten valamit, mert aki itt egy kicsit is mélyebbre ás, annak a gödrét azonnal elárasztja a titkos csatornákon ideömlű tengervíz.


Aaron Taylor Self - Archaeologist
Alessandra Nadudvari Self - Researcher & Property Owner
Alex Armsworthy Self - Kent Homes, a Division of J.D. Irving LTD
Alex Gauthier Self - Eagle Canada
Alex Lagina Self
Alison Conley Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
Allan Marble Self - Historian
Allan Sutherland Self - Bryson Construction Ltd.
Alton Donnelly Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Amir Hussain Self - Prof. Theological Studies, LMU
Összes szereplő mutatása
Andrew Balcom Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
Andrew Folkins Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Andrew Gilles Self - GPS Technician
Anthony Boyd Self - Samuel Ball Descendant
Axel Bernal Bladh Self - Gemologist Assistant
Bert Shanks Self - Brycon Construction
Bill Flower Self - Boat Captain
Billy Gerhardt Self - Gerhardt Property Improvement
Blaine Carr Self - Sonar Expert
Bob Leonard Self - Metal Detecting Expert
Brad Conrad Self - Dive Master
Brad Stabenow Self - Professional Diver
Bradbury Cort Lindahl Self - Historian & Researcher
Brandon Boucher Self - Lab Technician
Brennan McMahon Self - Choice Drilling
Brian Abbott Self - Sonar Expert
Brian Pyke Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
Brook Helland Self
Bruce Lindahl Self
Carmen Legge Self - Blacksmith
Charles Barkhouse Self
Charles Lewton-Brain Self - Gemologist
Chelsea Renaud Self
Chip Reid Self - Naval Historian
Chris Donah Self - Researcher
Chris McFarlane Self - Prof. of Geochemistry
Christa Brosseau Self - Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry
Christian Carr Self - Conquest Engineering, Ltd
Christopher Knight Self - Researcher & Writer
Christopher Morford Self - Theorist
Claire Bradfield Self
Clifford Laube Self - FDR Library
Clint McBride Self
Clive Prince Self - Co-Author: The Templar Revelation
Colin Gill Self - Irving Equipment Limited
Colin Laroque Self - Dendrochronologist
Colton Robinson Self
Corjan Mol Self - Theorist
Craig Tester Self
Dan Blankenship Self
Dan Henskee Self
Dana Sweeney Self
Danny Smith Self - ROC Equipment
Self - Journalist & Author
Dave Pilot Self - Dive Supervisor
David Blankenship Self
David Fornetti Self
David Irving Self - General Manager: Irving Equipment Ltd.
David MacDonald Self - Author
David MacInnes Self - Archaeologist
David Whitehead Self - Researcher
Derek Hale Self - Owner: The Septic Doctor
Devin Matchett Self - Delway Enterprises
Diana Gregory Self - Anthony Vaughan Descendant
Diandra Butazzoni Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
Don Johnston Self - Global GPR Services Inc.
Doug Crowell Self - Oak Island Historian
Drake Tester Self - The Oak Island Team
Erin Helton Self - Resource Data, Inc.
Evan Downie Self - Sonar Expert
Evan Pritchard Self - Director: Center for Algonquin Culture
Fergus Tweedale Self - Lab Technician
Frank Schiefelbein Self - CEO: Barnett & Associates
Fred Nolan Self - The Oak Island Team
Gabriel Vandervort Self - Antiquities Expert
Gary Clayton Self - Treasure Hunter
Gary Drayton Self - Metal Detection Expert
Glen Cornell Self - Cornell Video Inspection
Greg Mailman Self - Dexter Construction
Greg Wigglesworth Self - Boom Truck Operator
Gretchen Cornwall Self
Howard Ehrenberg Self - Dive Supervisor
Ian Spooner Self - Geoscientist
Ivan Boyd Self - Samuel Ball Descendant
Ivan Gough Self - Brewster Drill Team
Jack Begley Self
Jack Nichols Self - Dam-It Dams
James McQuiston Self - Author & Historian
James Noble Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
James Wasserman Self - Author: Templar Heresy
Jamie Hersey Self - Dive Assist
Jamie Sparks Samuel Ball
Jared Busby Self - ROC Equipment
Jared Mahnic Self
Jason Stevens Self - Paramedic
Jean McGinnis Self
Jeff Christopherson Self - Inuktun Services, Ltd.
Jeff McMillan Self - Eagle Canada
Jeremy Church Self - Geophysicist
Jeremy Frizzell Self - Contractor
Jerry Glover Self
Jim Meagher Self
Joan McGinnis Self
Joe Landry Self - Book Binding Expert
Joey Rolfe Self - DiveTech Ltd.
John Chatterton Self - Professional Diver
John Edel Reenactment Footage
John Lee Self - ROC Equipment
John Skierka Self - Great Excavations, Inc.
John Tapper Self - Professional Diver
John Temple Self
John Winters Self - Gerhardt Property Improvement
John Wonnacott Self - Geophysical Engineer
Jonathan Young Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives
Jordan Rogers Self - Valley Well Drillers Ltd.
Josh Ballard Self - Gerhardt Property Improvement
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Self - Treasure Hunter
Joyce McGinnis Self
Judi Rudebusch Self - Researcher
Julia Crews Self
Julien Raby Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Justin Cannady Self
Katherine Taylor Self - Book Binding Assistant
Kathleen McGowan Coppens Self - Author & Researcher
Kel Hancock Self - Donald Daniel McInnis Descendant
Kelly Bourassa Self - Conservator
Ken Deboer Self - Boat Captain
Kent Petersen Self - ROC Equipment
Kerry Seamone Self - Paramedic
Kevin Knight Self
Kevin Rideout Self
Krista McLeod Self
Kristen Brown Self - Dive Support
Kyle Fetterly Self - Brewster Drill Team
Laird Niven Self - Archaeologist
Lauren Ruff Self
Lee Lamb Self
Lilla Kopar Self - Runology Expert
Linda Flowers Self
Lisette Gaudet Self
Liz Michels Self - Archaeologist
Lori Verderame Self - Antiquities Expert
Lorne Flowers Self - Structural Engineer: Hatch
Louis Fritz Self - Berminghammer Engineer
Luke Melanson Self - GPR Expert
Lynn Picknett Self - Co-Author, The Templar Revelation
Mark Fougere Self - Stone Mason
Mark Monahan Self - Irving Equipment Limited
Mark Smissaert Self
Marty Lagina Self
Marvin Stavert Self - Choice Drilling
Matt Kingston Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Matt Lukeman Self - Professor of Chemistry
Matt Savelle Self - Metal Detection Expert
Matthew Hanson Self - Archivist
Matty Blake Self - Host
Max Hinch Self - Dive Supervisor
Max Williamson Self - Brewster Drill Team
Michael John Self - Gerhardt Property Improvement
Michel Ouellette Self - Crane Operator
Mike Gudelewicz Self - Brewster Drill Team
Mike Herold Self - Engineer
Mike Huntley Self - Professional Diver
Mike Jardine Self - Irving Equipment Limited
Mike Lynch Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Mike Roberts Self - DiveTech Ltd.
Mike Tedford Self - Choice Drilling
Mike Turnbull Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Mike Welling Self - Stone Mason
Mike West Self - GEMTEC Geophysicist
Self - Researcher
Miriam Amirault Self - Archaeologist
Nada Aldarrab Self
Nadine Gates Self
Nichola Lewis Self
Nicholas Perry Self - Dive Assistant
Nick Burchill Self - Sonar Expert
Nick Perry Self - Professional Diver
Nick Peverill Self - Remote Camera Specialist
Nicole Kirkpatrick Self
Noah Currie Self - Research Assistant
Oliver Dumais Self - Eagle Canada
Patrick Craig Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Paul Speed Self - Researcher
Paul Troutman Self - Researcher
Perry Power Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Peter Fornetti Self
Phil Finck Self - Geologist
Philip Stephenson Self - Theorist
Randall Sullivan Self - Author
Randy Naugler Self - Heavy Equipment Operator
Reed Barron Self - Paramedic
Richard Moats Self - Theorist
Rick Lagina Self
Rick Restall Self
Riley McInnis Self - Donald Daniel McInnis Descendant
Rob Hyslop Self - Azimuth Consulting Ltd.
Rob Ritcy Self - Professional Diver
Robert Clotworthy Narrator
Robert Leonard Self - Metal Detecting Expert
Robert Wood Self - Eagle Canada
Rodger Evans Self - Botanist
Ruby Fougere Self
Ryan Burke Self
Ryan Levangie Self - Azimuth Consulting Ltd.
Ryan Mosher Self - Captain
Ryan Rodi Self - Paramedic
Sandy Campbell Self - Numismatist
Sanford Holst Self - Author: Sworn In Secret
Sarah Macinnes Self - Historian
Scott Barlow Self - Project Manager: Oak Island Tours
Scott Ferguson Self - Safety Operator
Scott Graychick Self - Eagle Canada
Scott Jardine Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Sean Herold Self - Engineer
Shawn Wilson Self - Wilson Excavation, Ltd..
Sonia Matossian Self - Curator
Stephanie Wells Self - Kent Homes, a Division of J.D. Irving LTD
Stephen Ernst Self - Genealogical Society
Steve Atkinson Self - Descendant of Capt. Anderson
Steve Guptill Self - Surveyor
Steve Watson Self - Global GPR Services Inc.
Stuart Wentzell Self - Treasure Hunter
T. Shawn Hardy Self - Paranormal Investigator
Terry Deveau Self - Historian
Terry Eyland Self - Dartmouth Heritage Museum
Terry Matheson Self - Geologist
Tim Harris Self - Eagle Canada
Timothy Frasier Self
Timothy Loncarich Self - Researcher & Property Owner
Tobias Skowronek Self - Geochemist
Tom Nolan Self
Tony Peverill Self - Remote Camera Specialist
Tony Sampson Self - Professional Diver
Tory Martin Self - Gyro Survey Expert
Travis Taylor Self - Astrophysicist
Troy Greene Self - Centre of Geographic Sciences
Tyler Newton Self - Diver
Vanessa Lucido Self - ROC Equipment
Victor Murty Self - Irving Equipment Ltd.
Victoria Hopper Self
William Castedo Self - The Oak Island Team
Xiang Yang Self - Research Instrument Technician
Zach Woodworth Self
Zena Halpern Self - Historian


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